Monday, July 30, 2012

How to Choose the Gender of Your Baby - Diet and Sex Strategies to Influence Your Baby's Gender

Ever since the beginning of time, mankind has always wanted to know how to choose the gender of their baby.
How to choose the gender of your baby basically boils down to understanding the differences between male sperm and female sperm; what are their individual characteristics in terms of longevity and their physical capacity to endure the harrowing journey down the vaginal canal and into the uterus where the egg lies waiting to be fertilized.
Once you understand these differences in how to choose the gender of your baby, then it becomes possible for you and your partner to follow a detailed plan that will help you achieve your goal. And this plan needs to incorporate certain practices for when and how to have sex, and for what foods you should eat or avoid.
Let's take a look at some of the key elements of this strategy for how to choose the gender of your baby:
Sex Positions - Did you know that what position you have intercourse in can directly influence how to choose the gender of your baby - whether you end up conceiving a boy or a girl? Yes it's true. It's not enough to just insert the penis into the vagina however you want, ejaculate however you want, and then leave conception up to chance. On the contrary, which sex position you use can actually influence which sperm will survive and which sperm will die, or which sperm will beat all other sperms to the punch.
Allow me to explain: I said earlier that male and female sperm have different capacities for surviving the journey to the uterus before dying out. Therefore, if a sperm has a farther distance to travel to get to the egg, it better be capable of surviving long enough to get there. Otherwise, your best bet is to make sure that the sperm has a shorter distance to travel. And how do you make sure of this?
By using a sex position that allows for deeper penetration into the vagina. Deeper penetration means that sperm will land closer to the uterus, or if the tip of the man's penis is aimed right - directly into the uterus. The sperm will have less distance to travel and is less likely to go astray, less likely to linger in the vaginal canal, and less likely to diet out. Male sperm are weaker than female sperm and need all the help they can get to make it to the uterus.
So an example of a sex position for conceiving a boy might be the cowgirl or reverse cowgirl (woman on top), or doggie style (rear entry). These positions allow for deeper penetration, which equates to a shorter distance for sperm to travel, and therefore an increased probability of conceiving a girl.
On the other hand, if you want to conceive a girl, you need to employ a different strategy: Rather than shooting his ejaculate directly into the uterus through deeper penetration, you want the sperm to "make landfall" against one of the outer walls of the vagina using shallower penile thrusts. Thus all of the sperm will have much farther to travel to make it to the egg. And it is expected that most of the male sperm will die off in the process, allowing the female sperm a clear path to get to the egg!
An example of sex positions that allow shallower penetration and which would result in the sperm being deflected by the vaginal walls rather than aiming straight in for the uterus, would be the spooning sex position. In this position, the penis will not be able to achieve deep penetration. The man's thrusts will be shallow, and if done properly, the penis will enter the vagina at an angle.
Sex Techniques - A brief word on sex techniques: Did you know that whether or not the woman has an orgasm during intercourse can also play a role in how to choose the gender of your baby? Yes, it's true.
If the woman has an orgasm during sex, especially if she orgasms at the same time that the man ejaculates his sperm, then the couple has a much higher probability of conceiving a boy.
Conversely, if the woman has an orgasm during sex, she hurts her chances of conceiving a girl.
So what is the lesson to be learned here? Sorry ladies, but if you want to have a girl, you're going to have to forfeit your right to full satisfaction for a few nights. On the other hand, if you want to have a boy, then let this be a lesson to you men out there: Make sure you are able to satisfy your woman and bring her to orgasm during intercourse! (While no statistics have been shown to prove this, it would be interesting to conduct a study on whether or not premature ejaculators have more daughters than sons, but that would be straying from this topic!)
Diet Strategies - What you eat can also influence how to choose the gender of your baby - whether or not you conceive a boy or a girl. The walls of the vagina and the vaginal secretions produced therein have a property known as the pH level. This is the measure of the acidity or the alkalinity of the reproductive environment. Semen is a chemical that can chemically react with vaginal secretions. And whether the secretions are acidic or alkaline can either inhibit or act as a catalyst for the male and / or the female sperm.
Therefore, what foods you eat can influence the pH levels of the vagina. Male sperm are typically conceived out of alkaline diets. Female sperm are typically conceived out of acidic diets.
Timing - Timing your intercourse around the woman's ovulation cycle also plays a direct role in how to choose the gender of your baby in terms of gender selection. How? Recall from above that male and female sperm have different propensities for longevity and survivability in the reproductive environment. Therefore, you want to have intercourse and be able to introduce sperm into the vagina at just the right time that ensures that the sperm will have enough time to make it to the egg before the window of ovulation ends or before the pH levels of the vagina shift out of your favor.
Isn't it about time you and your partner got to work? So let's learn how to choose the gender of your baby at Click Here and get started tonight!

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Sunday, July 8, 2012

3 Essential Tips to Conceive a Baby Boy Naturally

It is not easy to determine the sex of your baby while you plan a child. Though one can take many possible steps to ensure that you conceive a baby boy but none of these methods are full proof or a hundred percent effective. Some of them are listed below:
1. The first step to ensure that you conceive a baby boy is that you should have sex as close to the ovulation period as possible that is closer to the 14th day of your cycle. The XY chromosome bearing sperms are supposed to faster swimmers but they are the ones which die quicker than the XX chromosome bearing sperms therefore XX chromosome bearing sperms fertilizes later but has a greater capacity to survive the acidic environment of the cervix.
2. To ensure that the alkaline levels of the Women's cervix are high the woman must take plenty of alkaline food.
3. The PH levels can also be maintained by a group of medicines but they can only be used under strict medical observation.
4. Orgasms can also ensure that the PH levels of the cervix are maintained which can in turn ensure the conception of a baby boy.
5. The dietary ways call for a diet on bananas, fruits and milk so that the acidic levels of the body are low while they copulate.
These are the few ways which have been listed below, Most of these solutions work. But again it is very much a physiological process which is unpredictable and there fore no amount of planning will help.
The best possible way to determine a baby boy would be to undergo regular clinical check ups and maternity clinics too can help you with substantial amount of guidelines and information.
It is also not recommendable to take any medication to increase the chances of conceiving a boy. The baby gender selection process is completely natural though it cannot be guaranteed but of course there are methods which can increase the chances of conceiving a baby boy.
It is always advisable to leave out baby gender selection to happen naturally because it is always a process of natural selection and planning always increases the expectation of a desired gender which can later give rise to many complexities which might not be a healthy thing to live with.
A resident problem which plagues expecting mothers who wants to conceive a baby boy is that they fall into depression if they end up conceiving a baby girl. But parents should be matured enough to understand that such selection process cannot be ensured as it is natural and in spite of all the planning the ova might just get fertilized by a sperm containing a XX chromosome.
If you are looking for more tips and expert advise on how to conceive baby boy [] naturally, one of the best information site is My baby gender, it is by far, one of the most comprehensive site on giving free tips, information and insider strategies to choosing the baby gender of your choice. You can Click Here

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Thursday, July 5, 2012

Tips for Baby Gender Selection

A baby is perceived to be a gift from God ("whatever you perceive him to be"). It's a BOY (or GIRL)! This is normally how we exclaim in excitement when a baby is born. This will be extremely exciting if you successfully planned the gender of your baby. Hannibal of the A-Team will usually say, "I love it when the plan comes together". This is highly fulfilling if the parents followed the plan to the latter. It is now time to approach things differently. I want to urge all parents to-be to plan the gender of their babies. Increase the likelihood of what you want. It can be done with almost 94% success and it is natural.
People who are genetically literate know that, the sperm carrying a Y chromosome will result in a boy and that carrying X a girl. The sperms carrying Y chromosomes are lighter and faster. They reach the egg first. The X chromosomes are heavier, slow and durable, they reach the egg later.
Diet is important. The Y chromosomes need an alkaline environment to be active and the X the acidic environment. For a boy you will eat alkaline food, you can always look it up in your nutrition chart. Acidic food as well can be checked on your nutrition chart if a girl is the preference. Everything in moderation is important.
You may even consult your doctor for good advice.
Timing is important. The window of Fertility is approximately 5 (five) days long. You should always check your ovulation calendar. For a Y sperm have intercourse the day that you ovulate. On the other hand for an X sperm do it two to three days before ovulation. Timing it properly can help you naturally select your child's gender.
The other factor to be taken into consideration is the position during intercourse. A position that allows deep penetration is normally conducive to having a boy. The Y sperms travel faster and will reach the egg earliest. For a girl a shallow penetration is conducive.
There are books that can help you. Please consult them.
You will also have a joy of choosing the name of the baby long before its conception.Want More Click Here

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Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Plan Gender of Baby - 3 Natural and Proven Tips to Plan the Gender of Your Baby

Do sex positions have any role to play in influencing the gender of your baby? Is it possible for parents to decide the sex of their baby by changing their diet patterns?
As you carefully read each and every word of this article, you will not only find answers to the above questions, but, you are also going to discover few natural and easy to use tips on how to plan gender of baby?
Mr and Mrs Smith were not happy when they gave birth to their fourth son. They were sad as they wanted two kids in their family, one boy and a girl. But, their desperation to get a boy forced them to make a fourth attempt.
Can you imagine, how different your life would be, if you get the chance to decide the gender of your baby? It has been proved that, by following some specific gender selection tips, more than 94% accuracy can be achieved. Some of these tips are discussed below.
We must understand the following logic before moving forward. Male sperms consist of chromosome x and y. Chromosome x are responsible for conception of girl and chromosome y are responsible for a boy. Conception of boy or girl, depends on, which chromosome fertilizes the egg first. Chromosome x have a longer life, they are fast moving and are stronger as compared to chromosome y. Therefore, keeping this logic in mind, following tips on how to plan gender of baby can be used:
1) Timing of ovulation: If intercourse is done 3-4 days before ovulation, then the chances of conceiving a baby girl will be higher and if the intercourse is done on the day of ovulation or one day after the chances of conceiving a boy child will be more. (logic: weak chromosome y which are responsible for conception of boy have a short life.)
2) PH level: High PH level means that your body is more acidic and low PH level means it is more alkaline. If woman's body is more acidic, then the chances for conceiving a girl child will be higher and if it is more alkaline the chances for conceiving a girl child will be more. Therefore, you can change your diet patterns for choosing the sex of your baby. (logic: hostile acidic environment in vagina, does not allow weak chromosome y to survive for long and they eventually die off before reaching the egg.)
3) Sex position: Different sex positions offer different penetration level. If shallow penetration is done, then chances for conceiving a girl child will be more. On the other hand deep penetration increases the chances of getting a male child. (logic: In deep penetration sperms will have less distance to travel towards the egg, therefore fast moving chromosome y will get to fertilize the egg.)
Are you making any of these 3 classic mistakes which will prevent you to EVER plan gender of baby [] successfully? I hate to admit it but I made all three of them myself! Find out what they are and how to avoid them by visiting [] right now before you lose this opportunity forever! Want More Click Here

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Plan Your Baby's Gender

To plan your baby's gender is now possible. Because new methods that has been discovered, there are many ways to determine your baby's gender. This article will give you some tips how to plan your baby's gender. You can choose a baby girl or boy through these techniques and methods.
Follow these information and guides if you want to conceive a baby girl or boy. Read on.
1. Shettles' method
This gender selection process uses the calendar method. To conceive a baby boy, sexual intercourse should be performed during the ovulation period. The Y chromosome can penetrate earlier than the X chromosome that is why a boy can be conceived.
Conceiving a baby girl in this method should be done after or before ovulation period. This is because the sperm cell will travel longer to the reproductive tract lining. The exact time and date of ovulation should be determined first to conceive either a boy or a girl.
2. Woman's acidity level
The woman's pH balance or acidity level is also a aspect to be considered. If the woman's pH level or acidity level in the vagina is quite high, there is a possibility that a girl will be conceived. But if the woman's alkalinity level is higher, then a boy can be conceived.
3. Diet
A mother's diet is also a determining factor to have a baby boy or a girl. Consuming potassium and sodium rich foods can possibly conceive the mom a boy. If the mother wants a baby girl, magnesium and calcium rich foods are recommended.
4. Female orgasm
The chance of having a baby boy is when the female's orgasm is achieved. This is due to the contraction of the vagina's muscle resulting better absorption of the sperm cell resulting to conceiving a baby boy.
5. In vitro fertilization
In vitro fertilization is a scientific method where the doctor will collect the egg cell from the mother. The egg cell is then fertilized by a sperm cell through a petri dish. This is a very effective way regardless of the age of the mother as long as she is healthy.
The only set back to this kind of conceiving and determining your baby's gender is very expensive. Around $20,000 and up should be prepared for this process. Fertility drugs are needed to be taken in by the mother to increase the effect of IVF.
6. Dye technique
This method is via artificial insemination (AI). The desired gender of the future parents will be inserted to the uterus of the mother. The percentage for a baby girl is 90 percent while for a boy is around 70 percent.
There are no actual risks in this kind of method but fertility drugs are also consumed. Determining the baby's gender is also assured because unwanted chromosomes are not being used.
7. Ericsson method
This kind of method to choose a boy or a girl is done also via artificial insemination. Active and faster sperms are separated to produce a boy while slower sperms are separated to produce a baby girl.
A baby girl is conceived at a percentage of 73 - 75 percent while for a baby boy is 78 - 85 percent. It is relatively safe and less expensive than IVF.
These are some of the processes that can be done to plan your baby's gender. It is not an easy task for couples but if you are determined, why not take the chance?
Interest to learn more on how to plan your baby's gender. Discover more ideas and tips at  Click Here

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